But there is no one quite like Guy Kawasaki, the legendary former chief evangelist for Apple and one of the pioneers of the business blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, tumbling, and much, much more. Now Guy has worked with Peg Fitzpatrick, he says is the best person social-media I've ever met, to offer The Art of Social Media -the an essential guide is needed to get the most bang for your time, effort and money.
With over a hundred practical tips, tricks and insights, Guy and Peg have a bottom-up strategy for the production of a targeted presence, thorough and convincing on the most popular social-media platforms. They will walk you through steps to build your foundation, accumulating digital assets, optimize your listing, attract more followers, and effectively integrate social media and blogging.
For beginners overwhelmed by too many choices, as well as experienced professionals eager to improve their game, the art of Social Media is full of tactics that are proven to work in real world. Or as Guy says, "great things, no fluff".
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